
The Enemy Wants to Steal Potential

     We still have a full month and for some areas, full two months before children head back to school.  Already, we have lost too many children to gunfire and others to ATV or car accidents.  There have been too many…

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Pray Without Ceasing

Pray in this Manner      You need a prayer life.  Some of you may say that I have a prayer life.  You need to pray in the Holy Ghost.  We need all the help that we can get down here.  People… Read more

If You Could See Me Now

My have the last few months been a world wind experience for hair.  I went from having length with potential to length with patience.  I am also praying for patience for my husband with my hair.  I think it all…

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2015 is the Year of Hair

     I believe that 2015 is the Year of Hair.  I believe that all of your hair dreams will come true.  All of the shedding and the breakage that some experienced in 2014 is in the past.  I believe the bad…

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    As usual in 2014, I made my New Year's resolutions.  I promised to promote my book more, lose weight, stay connected and finish school.  There are so many things to be done in the Kingdom of God.  I was prompted…

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5 Steps to Becoming a Babe

           There is a big misconception about babe hood.  Some men only think women with long hair are babes.  I beg to differ.  Many women have bought into it by getting weaves and extensions.  I am all about looking good, but…

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Review of Parnevu's Vita Gro


You have followed me over the last several months as I have chronicled my usage of Parnevu products.  I have used the products off and on for about 15 years.  Parnevu has always maintained its quality as a hair care…

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Week 6 of Parnevu T-Tree Growth Creme

It has been about 6 weeks since I started using Parnevu T-Tree Growth Crème.  I have seen a noticeable difference in my hair and scalp because of this product.  It has helped me in controlling breakage, nourishing my scalp and…

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T-Tree Growth Creme

     This picture was taken about 3 weeks ago.  I had just had a nice black rinse put in my hair.  Prior to this photo an unnamed stylist had snipped some of my hair and put some golden yellow color or…

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The Power of the Tithe



            From time to time, I feel the need to sound off on topics because it is on my mind and spirit and I believe that God places it there.  The students of one of my graduate courses got into a…

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                 Today, I am starting my career as a blogger for health and beauty products by first reviewing Parnevu’s Leave In Conditioner for Extra Dry Hair.  I ran across Parnevu products I believe when I went to La Vogue on Madison

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